List of Scopus Index Journals 2023

The joy of your years of hard work published in a magazine is immense. But do you know what can equal the feeling of joy? Publish your work in Scopus-indexed journals. Now, do you have any idea about the list of Scopus-indexed journals for 2023? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Let’s take a look at what Scopus and Scopus indexed journals are, the benefits of publishing in them, and why it’s so important.

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Journal Name: Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science



  • ISSN:2502-4752
  • E-ISSN:2502-4760

Publication Time: Monthly


Focus and Scope

The aim of Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of electrical engineering. Its scope encompasses the applications of Telecommunication and Information Technology, Applied Computing and Computer, Instrumentation and Control, Electrical (Power), Electronics Engineering and Informatics which covers, but not limited to, the following scope:

Signal Processing: Signal Theory, Digital Signal & Data Processing, Stochastic Processes, Detection and Estimation, Spectral Analysis, Filtering, Signal Processing Systems, Environmental Signal Processing, Software Developments, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Optical Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Multi-dimensional Signal Processing, Communication Signal Processing, Biomedical Signal Processing, Geophysical and Astrophysical Signal Processing, Earth Resources Signal Processing, Acoustic and Vibration Signal Processing, Data Processing, Remote Sensing, Signal Processing Technology, Speech Processing, Signal Processing for Audio, Visual and Performance Arts, Radar Signal Processing, Sonar Signal Processing, Seismic Signal Processing, Medical Imaging Equipment and Techniques, Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing, Video Processing, Industrial Applications, New Applications, etcElectronics: Electronic Materials, Microelectronic System, Design and Implementation of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), VLSI Design, System-on-a-Chip (SoC) and Electronic Instrumentation Using CAD Tools, Biomedical Transducers and instrumentation, Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Engineering, Transistor, MOSFET, CMOS, etc

Electrical: Electrical Engineering Materials, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Power Electronics, Power Quality, Power Economic, FACTS, Renewable Energy, Electric Traction, Electromagnetic Compatibility, High Voltage Insulation Technologies, High Voltage Apparatuses, Lightning Detection and Protection, Power System Analysis, SCADA, Electrical Measurements, etc

Telecommunication: Modulation and Signal Processing for Telecommunication, Information Theory and Coding, Antenna and Wave Propagation, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Radio Communication, Communication Electronics and Microwave, Radar Imaging, Distributed Platform, Communication Network and Systems, Telematics Services and Security Network, etc

Instrumentation & Control: Optimal, Robust and Adaptive Controls, Non Linear and Stochastic Controls, Modeling and Identification, Robotics, Image Based Control, Hybrid and Switching Control, Process Optimization and Scheduling, Control and Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligent and Expert System, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network, Complex Adaptive Systems, etc

Computing and Informatics:Computer Architecture, Parallel and Distributed Computer, Pervasive Computing, Computer Network, Embedded System, Human—Computer Interaction, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Computer Security, Software Engineering (Software: Lifecycle, Management, Engineering Process, Engineering Tools and Methods), Programming (Programming Methodology and Paradigm), Data Engineering (Data and Knowledge level Modeling, Information Management (DB) practices, Knowledge Based Management System, Knowledge Discovery in Data), Network Traffic Modeling, Performance Modeling, Dependable Computing, High Performance Computing, Computer Security, Human-Machine Interface, Stochastic Systems, Information Theory, Intelligent Systems, IT Governance, Networking Technology, Optical Communication Technology, Next Generation Media, Robotic Instrumentation, Information Search Engine, Multimedia Security, Computer Vision, Information Retrieval, Intelligent System, Distributed Computing System, Mobile Processing, Next Network Generation, Computer Network Security, Natural Language Processing, Business Process, Cognitive Systems, etc

Publication Frequency

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is an international, monthly, online journal, publishing high-quality, peer reviewed articles from all areas of electrical, electronics, instrumentation, automation and control, telecommunication, computer and informatics engineering.

Indexing and Abstracting

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760) (formerly TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, p-ISSN 2302-4046, e-ISSN 2460-7673) has been covered by the following services:

Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems

Journal Name: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems

ISSN:                     l006-5911

Scope: Computer Science

Frequency:   Monthly


Journal Website:

Indexing:  journal entered the core database of the US “Engineering Index ( Ei ) Compendex “, and the selection rate of papers has been very high, and has always maintained 100% in recent years. At the same time, this journal is also the source journal of many well-known databases at home and abroad, including Russian “Abstract Journal” ( AJ ), British “Scientific Abstracts” ( SA ), American “Cambridge Scientific Abstracts” ( CSA ), Poland “Copernicus Index” ( IC ), Netherlands “Digest and Citation Database” ( Scopus ) , American EBSCO database, “Chinese Academic Journal Impact Factor Annual Report”, ” WJCI Science and Technology Journal World Influence Index Report”, “China Science and Technology Journal Citation Report” ( CJCR ) , “Overview of Chinese Core Journals 2017 Edition”, ” CCF Catalogue of High- Quality Journals in Computing Field”, ” CCF Recommended Catalogue of Chinese Sci-tech Journals”, China Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database ( CAJCED)), China Science Citation Database ( CSCD ), RCCSE China Authoritative Academic Journals, Chinese Science and Technology Periodical Database, Chinese Electronic Periodical Service Database ( CEPS ), “China Academic Journal Abstracts (Chinese version)”, “China Academic Journal Abstracts (English version)” )”, Wanfang Digital Periodical Group, Chaoxing Periodical Domain Publishing Platform, VIP Database and other famous databases at home and abroad. And won the 3rd National Journal Award for 100 key journals, the first prize of China’s weapons industry outstanding scientific and technological journals, as well as China’s most internationally influential academic journals and China’s international influential academic journals and other awards.

Scope: This journal is a national academic journal founded by the national 863 high-tech research and development program CIMS and sponsored by the No. 210 Research Institute of China North Industries Group Corporation . When the publication was launched, Vice Premier Zou Jiahua and Song Jian, then director of the State Science and Technology Commission, wrote inscriptions to congratulate. The director of the first editorial board is the chief scientist in the field of automation, Academician Jiang Xinsong of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The current honorary director of the journal editorial board is Academician Wu Cheng of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the director is Academician Li Peigen of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. There are 18 advisory editorial members and 77 editorial members. All are well-known experts in the field or experts with outstanding contributions . Among them, there are 15 academicians and 6 foreign experts.